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SESBC Summer School 2024

August, 2024
28 10:30
30 16:00
Chalmers University of Technology, Chalmersplatsen 4, 412 96 Göteborg – Hall: Catella (Kårhuset)
SESBC Summer School Program


The Swedish Electricity Storage and Balancing Centre (SESBC) is pleased to invite you to the first Centre Summer School, which will be held at Chalmers University of Technology on 28-30 August 2024. The Summer School is open and free of charge for all researchers and non-academic partners active in SESBC. The focus of this year’s Summer School is on temporary energy storage devices and their integration into the power systems:

Day 1: Energy storage, with focus on capacitors and supercapacitors;
Day 2: Energy storage, with focus on batteries;
Day 3: Energy storage integration, with focus on power electronics
Being a very important part of the activities within the Centre, all PhD students are expected to attend the Summer School. Proposed credits are 3 HP for attendance and active participation. 

The SESBC Summer School Program

Last day for registration is 23 June at 23:59. See separate invitation.

Language: English

Most welcome!


Updated: 2024-06-07 09:32