Succesful first SESBC conference
Swedish Electric Storage and Balancing Centre (SESBC) held its first official gathering 25-26 October. The event took place in the beautiful city of Norrköping, and had about 50 attendees from academia, industry and agencies.
"I'm very glad to see that so many could join us in Norrköping, and I hope that everyone had just as good a time as I did," says Massimo Bongiorno, director of SESBC.
The days involved corporate presentations, overall discussions and a much-appreciated poster session. We also managed to get a few testimonials from some of the attendees.

”As a grid provider we need to learn more about flexibility and optimization possibilities in the grid. There are a lot of aspects to consider in these matters, so SESBC feels like an obvious centre to partner up with. I think it’s a great advantage that the centre involves grid owners on all levels so we can discuss the electricity network as a whole,” says Mariliis Lehtveer at Göteborg Energi.

“It’s of the highest importance to build up competences and knowledge in these fields due to the ongoing electrification of the society and challenging future electricity demand. We need to develop many different areas and we believe that SESBC can play a significant part here with its focus on research and innovation within energy storage and balancing,” says Fredrik Brändström at the Swedish Energy Agency.

Ali Fotouhi, working at Propulsion and Energy, Volvo Cars, joined the event on behalf of Volvo Cars and as contributor to one project. “Using electrical vehicles as a solution to balancing issues in power grids is of interest to us at Volvo Cars. SESBC has a unique mix of different stakeholders involved in balancing, so I’m very much looking forward to future discussions and proposals in this center.”

”At SAFT we believe it’s very important to be part of the research world. Sweden is often a reflection of what will happen in the world, and we think that SESBC has a lot of potential when facing the challenges of the future energy supply. SAFT has an extensive knowledge on what makes batteries economically viable on the consumer market, which I hope will benefit the work in this centre” says Rikard Brink at SAFT.