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A successful 1st Summer School

The first SESBC Summer School took place at Chalmers during some intense and warm days in the end of August 2024. The Summer School is open and free of charge for all researchers and non-academic partners active in SESBC. The event had a total of 43 participants, including doctoral students and post-docs from a range of different organizations. 

This year’s focus was on temporary energy storage devices and their integration into the power systems. The first day targeted capacitors and supercapacitors, the second day batteries, whilst the last day had focus on power electronics.

“The summer school is a great opportunity to connect and learn from each other about the different SESBC research layers. It’s otherwise very easy to only dedicate time on your own niche area. It’s very important that we find a common language and develop an overall understanding about the challenges that we face. With this said, we also need cutting edge depth, hence we have tried to find a good balance between the broad and the narrow perspective. This is a concept that we probably will have next year too.” says Anna Martinelli, co-director of SESBC and main responsible for the Summer School.

The event got quite high overall scores, but things can always be improved. 

“We are grateful for all the feedback that we have received, and hopefully the event will be even better next year. We will for instance aim for an increased amount of workshops and problem solving sessions, as well as we will increase the frequency of breaks. I was also very happy to see all engaged participants and I would like to address a big ‘thank you!’ to all lecturers for their efforts in preparing their material,” says Anna Martinelli.

The Summer School will be held next year probably around the same period of the academic year. We hope to see you then! 

Updated: 2024-09-20 13:27