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Role of flexibility measures in distribution grids

Illustration Role of flexibility measures in distribution grids

Illustration of distribution grid with flexibility measures on supply and demand side.

In the transition to climate neutral energy systems, electrification of the industry and transport sectors enabled by electricity from wind and solar power play a central role. Finding means to balance a varying electricity supply from solar power and wind power with electricity demand on distribution grid level can facilitate the energy transition on this level. Thus, the aim of the proposed project is to assess the role of flexibility measures to balance supply and demand in distribution grids.

This project investigates the role of flexibility measures in distribution grids, considering best available technologies as well as feasible and likely development of flexibility measures in terms of technology and cost. The possibility to manage variations on distribution grid level relying only on flexibility measures with relatively robust supply chains will also be investigated.

The project takes departure in the fact that if variations in wind and solar power are managed on distribution grid level using flexibility measures available locally, the variability to be managed, as well as the access to flexibility measures, on higher voltage levels is reduced. Within the project we investigate how flexibility measures on distribution grid level impact the interaction between the distribution grids and its surrounding.

The overall aim of the project is to determine future roles of flexibility measures in distribution grids based on estimates of feasible and likely technical development and cost reductions of flexibility measures. Specifically, the aims are to:

•    Identify the role of flexibility measures in future electricity system
•    Provide new knowledge for understanding the needs for flexibility in distribution grids.
•    Assess how the development of flexibility measures impact their relevance and role in future distribution grids

The project has developed a model to assess flexibility in distribution using the West Sweden Region (“VG regionen”) as an example. This region is of particular interest since it has a strong electricity import dependency and there is a gap between the electricity needed for the electrification of industry and the amount of grid capacity that can be expanded by the Swedish TSO (“Svenska Kraftnät). Thus, it should be of great value to understand to what extent can flexibility measures ease the pressure on the future import capacity as well as on the distribution grid.

Mapping of the electricity infrastructure of the VG region

A mapping of the Västra Götaland (VGR) grid is used as study the role of flexibility measures, while also depicting the sub-transmission electricity system to identify bottlenecks in the grid and how flexibility measures could help alleviate the bottleneck issues. The current model utilizes data from open-source database such as OpenStreetMap to model the distribution/sub-transmission electricity system (i.e. power lines, substations, and power plants).

Region Västra Götaland

The modelled region - a simplified illustration of hubs used in the model.

The model being developed

A cost-minimising bottom-up energy systems model has been developed. The model has the following overall characteristics:
•    Greenfield study (future net-zero system)
•    Implements electricity, heating, and gas (H2) sector
•    Emphasis on electricity system
•    Flexibility measures include:
•    Energy storages
•    Demand side management
•    Others

First results from the model have been obtained, showing the electricity generation dispatch and storage charge/discharge variations in the modelled region.

We expect the following results from the project:
•    Investments of generation and storage technologies
•    Generation dispatch and storage charge/discharge
•    Implementation costs of certain technologies
•    Utilize these to identify role

Involved in the project

Pandu Prianto, Filip Johnnson, Lisa Göransson
Energy Technology, Department of Space, Earth, and Environment
Chalmers University of Technology


Västra Götalandsregionen, Göteborgs Energi, Vattenfall, Svenska Kraftnät, Soltech, Battery Loop

Uppdaterad: 2025-02-07 09:34